PHOTO CONTEST 2015 : Grab your cameras!

PHOTO CONTEST 2015 : Grab your cameras!

St Barth Essentiel is pleased to announce the launch of its 5th  photo contest. Its theme? “The charismatic characters of St Barth.” This contest is free and open to all. 

The objective is to take a fresh look on those around us which contribute to the richeness & the diversity of our island: men and women of all ages, from all backgrounds.

Charismatic people attract us with their strong personality, with “this indefinable aura able to generate the irresistible fascination of many”.

We spontaneously think of the figures of the island as Marius from The Select, the elderly that life and time have deeply marked, those who have touched the minds one way or another, people which give off a natural authority, a presence that fills the space just by being there, an inner strength. These people and characters are an heritage to be transmitted: what message do they have to pass on to future generations?

A charismatic personality is also revealed by the gestures, the way a person stands, watches, places itself  and interact with its environment. The theme also includes everything concerning the details of the face and its expressions: wrinkles, smiles, glances, grimaces.

It is also thought to portraits like mirrors and reflections of the soul.



The legend is part of the contest.  Photo captions will therefore take the form of an explanation that enlighten the picture : why was the person photographed, how is she charismatic, what message does she have to pass to the future generations. The legend can also be used to convey an emotion, a feeling, an anecdote, a story or a particular event.




– Send an email to We will send the contest rules and the entry form that have to be returned completed and signed.

– All photographic techniques are accepted -silver as digital (in Jpeg format of good quality)-, black and white or color. Retouched photographs will however not been accepted.

– Participants must send their photos (maximum three in high definition) with captions no later than August 20, 2015 :

  • By mail to : St Barth Essentiel, C / O Hélène Bernier, BP 1032, 97012 Saint Barthélemy Cedex;
  • By delivery to the Territorial Committee of St. Barthélemy Tourism, Quai General de Gaulle 97133 Saint Barthélemy
  • By e-mail to :


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